This analysis looks at the trends in vaccinations for COVID-19 in the state of Virginia. We use data from the Virginia Department of Health. The source data was downloaded from the Virginia Department of Health website and is as of March 26, 2022.


This chart shows the total number of doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered in Virginia each day since vaccinations began.


These maps show the distribution of vaccinations across Virginia counties and cities. The first shows the total number of doses administered in each locality. The second shows the number of fully vacciniated individuals, based on the number of second doses administered. The third incorporates the population density with number of doses administered per 100,000 in population.

Interestingly, Fairfax County in Northern Virgnia has clearly received the most vaccinations. However, it represents almost 13% of the population of the state, vastly more than any other locality. So the normalization with population actually shows that Fairfax is not the only leading recipient of vaccinations in the state.

Focus on Fairfax

Fairfax County is part of Northern Virginia and is the most populated county in the state by far, with over 1.1 million people.

The table below shows the breakdown between first and second doses, plus boosters indicated as Dose Number 3, administered in Fairfax County.

Dose Number Doses Administered
1 983,557
2 846,799
3 469,931


An average of 4,640 doses per week have been administered in Fairfax County over the past 4 weeks. The following chart shows the weekly totals for the number of vaccination doses administered in Fairfax County, VA.



The break out of doses administered by dose number provides a sense of the number of people who are newly vaccinated vice those receiving secondary doses. It also illustrates the drivers of changes over time.


Vaccinations in Fairfax by Age Groups

This chart shows the breakdown in the total number of people in different vaccination statuses in Fairfax County, VA. The counts are broken into age groups that are based on vaccination recommendations. Also, the counts are not mutually exclusive - those counted in the “Fully Vaccinated” category are also in the “At Least One Dose” category.


Different age groupings are used for case data versus vaccination data. This is due to the different age cutoffs for vaccinations over time, while the case data follows standard demographic age groups. The following charts show the vaccination data by case age groups, and compares that to population density for those age groups to determine the rate of vaccination.




Focus on Age Group 5-11

Vaccinations were opened to ages 5-11 in early November 2021. In Fairfax County, there are approximately 108k children in that age group. The charts below focus on the vaccination data for children ages 5-11 in Fairfax County, VA. Note that the first date data was reported was November 10, 2021, but that likely represents the first few days that vaccinations were available.



In Fairfax County, VA, the population of the 5-11 age group is approximately 108k children.

As of March 26, 2022, the number of children age 5-11 with at least one dose is: 60,969

As of March 26, 2022, the percentage of children age 5-11 with at least one dose is: 56%


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